Sunday, September 9, 2007

Web 2.0

The title of this video means that we are dependent on machines just as they are dependent on us. We are all well aware of how much we use computers and cell phones and iPods, but the video brought up an interesting point. These machines are dependent on us as well. When we tell the computer to do something, it is learning from us, thus increasing its capabilities. I had never really thought about that until now.

The knowledge of Web 2.0 can really benefit people going into the workforce. Knowing the capabilities of the web can improve interaction and business. Email and instant messaging can be more efficent than telephone and face-to-face conversations, while a good website can increase business and save time. The knowledge that form and content can be seperated for the first time can also benefit a company by making it easier for clients to find what they need. I think all of this can be said for those already in the workforce, though many have difficulty understand a word processor much less complicated code.

When the video says we have to rethink everything, I think it means that we have to rethink how we present everything to others and how it will affect them and ourselves. We have to be aware of how it will affect our company as well as clients. We must be conscious of the messages we are sending through our writings and design to the rest of the world.

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